Using a Photo for Educational Purposes

Court Case

Merano v. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a copyright case in the United States.

Please note that the judgment falls under a legal jurisdiction other than the UK.

In 1982, the photographer Lawrence Marano shot an image of Eddie Van Halen in concert.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art used the image in an online catalogue for the 2019 exhibition Play It Loud: Instruments of Rock and Roll, which featured the late musician’s famous “Frankenstein” guitar.

Marano sued the museum for copyright infringement, arguing that he never granted permission for the photograph to be used.

What do you think was the judgement?

Read the whole piece in this online article.

Dafoe, T. (2021). “The Met wins a case against a photographer who claims it posted his image of Eddie Van Halen online without permission”. [online]. ArtNet. 5 April 2021. available from [accessed on 28 January 2022].

The author takes no responsibility for the content of this page, which is not intended as binding legal advice. The views are about copyright in the UK Higher Education sector context.